Monday, November 20, 2006

Open letter to fashionistas...

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Dear Fashionista,

Yes, the boots look sexy. Yes, they're also warm and comfy. No, they're not new.

I wore these very boots every single day during the winter seasons of Grades 4-6. I learned a few things about them during this time, and I thought I should pass my wisdom on to you:

1. Do not walk in the snow. The lower part of the boot will get wet, and your once-sexy leg will look like a cold, wet dog has draped itself over your foot.

2. Do not walk where there is street salt. The reasons mentioned above apply. Plus, the cold, wet dog will now also have a distinct white, calcified line running around the perimiter of its body.

3. Do not wear them with a skirt. You will look funny.

4. Brush them. Often. Do not use hairspray on them. Trust me.

5. Do not try to dye them with a permanent marker. (Gimme a break... I was 9).

6. Do not wear them in Southern California. It bugs me when you do that.

7. Do not wear them while fashionably lounging next to the fire during the apres-ski. They are extremely flammable (especially with hairspray on them).

Now, go forth and strut yourself in your furry boots! But hurry... before the snow and salt comes.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny. Those boots are stylin'.

November 20, 2006 12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog (via blog Portland); & you are hilarious! I'm addin you to my 'roll.

November 23, 2006 12:51 PM  

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