Wednesday, March 05, 2008

OH MY GOD what happened to all my posts????!!!

Just kidding. There were no posts. I really am that lazy.

Well, that's not true. I have all kinds of excuses for not having posted since November. You see, a few days after posting last, Main Man and I accidentally drove to the dog shelter, and accidentally adopted Woody, the Wonder Pup.

I say "accidentally", because the original plan was to install a fence in the back yard before we went looking for a pooch. And the fence isn't scheduled to go up until May or June-ish.

But we couldn't help ourselves. I mean... he's Woody, for crying out loud. Woody. Yes, the Wonder Pup. In the flesh. There he was, just waiting for us. What else could we do, right?

He's a 15-month-old (or so) hybrid... some German Shepherd, some Golden Retriever, and some mystery breed... and he is, literally, the smartest pooch in the world. Also, his tail is so powerful, it can actually generate electricity for a small village if he is feeling especially happy about something. I am guessing it will also be quite a fabulous fly swatter come summer.

When the outside world thaws, I will be taking out my camera and annoying the fuck out of Woody with it. As a result, laziness aside, I will be annoying the fuck out of everyone I know by posting tons of pictures of Woody online.

Yeah, so anyway... back to my excuse. I have been very busy training the Wonder Pup over the winter. Every free minute has been spent studying canine behaviour and practicing stuff on Woody. I have so enjoyed doing this, that I've decided to make a career out of it. Seriously. It is my destiny.

So there you have it. I'm gonna train dogs for a living. I'm so gonna. I have to. It's the best thing in the whole world.

In the meantime, American Idol has snuck up on us again, and yes... I'm still watching. I've been fighting the urge to post about it, seeing as I promised last year that I wouldn't do it again. There also appears to be less stuff to laugh at this season, as everyone appears to be really good, and not so pickable-onable.

But you never know...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just as long as it the wonder pup you post photos of and not some other "woody"


March 22, 2008 11:46 PM  
Blogger Teri M. said...

Hey, that's a WAY better excuse than mine!

April 04, 2008 1:46 AM  

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