Monday, November 27, 2006

What exactly are you trying to say?

I had a disturbing dream last night. I needed money and was desperately looking for work. The only place willing to hire me was a brothel.

Yes... a whore-house.

But wait, you don't understand. They wanted me only as a "greeter" at the front door. Fully dressed, and smiling like a tour guide.

Why? Because I was too old, they said. Too old!!!!! They wanted no-one over 25, tops. All night, I watched men line up to get behind one of those doors with the young girls. The girls were making $23 per BJ, cranking the guys in and out of the rooms at a rate of 6 per hour... each... and here I was making minimum wage.

I did recognize a couple of faces, though, and spent the rest of the night plotting my extortion plan. I guess that's something you're never too old for.

But seriously, I need to be kinder to myself in my own dreams.


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