Wednesday, February 14, 2007

On blizzards and American Idol

Either I was on speed last night, or this year's American Idol Hollywood series went by a lot faster than usual.

Nothing much to say about this episode. I was surprised with some of the judges' choices, and shocked that the editors focused more on the actual performances than on the drama (including the usual drama between Simon and Paula).

Speaking of Paula, has someone taken away her candy? She's looking awfully lucid, making sound decisions, and forming complete sentences. If this continues, I'm not sure I'll be having as much fun this year.

We'll see, I suppose....

In other news, I don't know if the guys with the really big shovels will be digging that hole for our house today. Steady snow has been falling all morning, and we're headed for blizzard conditions this afternoon.


I'm bummed about the house thing, but I can't think of a better way to spend Valentine's Day than being snowed in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously...I felt totally robbed. last night's episode was a waste.

I'm soooo into the chubby kid with the crazy curly hair. and was fidel castro nixed??? I couldn't tell! ack. I wanted to see his transformation to hot fidel castro. if that's possible.

fudge nuts.

February 14, 2007 12:24 PM  

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