Thursday, June 22, 2006

Striking a balance

I see roller derbies are making a comeback. I remember those... I'd watch them on TV on Saturday mornings in the 70's. They were silly then, and I'm sure they're even whackier now. I'm also sure I won't be watching.

But I am hoping that this means roller skates will make a comeback. I was brilliant on roller skates; I practically wore them during every waking hour when I was 13. I gave them away when I was 16, because they were no longer "cool".

Then, a few years later, they were made obsolete by rollerblades. I gave those a shot, and after falling on my ass too many times, I decided they weren't for me.

Mind you, I grew up in Canada, and around here, you learn to ice skate before you learn the alphabet. So standing or skating on rollerblades were not the problem. It was stopping. Dear god, the STOPPING!!! Now that was a problem. A very painful one, at times. I'd resort to throwing myself onto the side in order to stop... landing on grass, parked cars, against trees, small children. This just wasn't working.

So I quit skating. I've wanted to go back to roller skating. They just make more sense... 4 solid wheels: two in front, two in back. If it works for cars, then it works for me. But I haven't seen a pair of roller skates in a store in about 15 years.

But now, thanks to a few bimbos on skates beating the shit out of each other in bikinis, I may be able to skate again! Maybe even in a bikini!!

Okay... probably not in a bikini...

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Blogger anne altman said...

roller girlz IS AWESOME! i don't remember what channel it's on, but it's filmed in austin.

June 22, 2006 8:02 PM  

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