Wednesday, June 14, 2006

They can sting, you know

Look. Here's how it goes. Nothing... but NOTHING... can get me to move faster than an angry bee in my immediate vicinity.

You see, that's why my arms and legs were flailing about.

And that's why I may have been spinning around wildly. And perhaps changing directions erratically as I raced across the fairway screaming like a schoolgirl.

(sigh)... the other day, I established myself at the club as the chick who ate bugs. With a little PR, I might have had a chance to salvage my rep.

But now, as poised and fetching as I try to look on the course, I will also be the crazy chick who breaks into cartoon-like spastic fits on the fairway for no apparent reason.

It's just that I don't like bees.


Blogger Jay said...

Bees suck. I know this because I've been stung WAY too many times for no apparent reason. I must say though, I would rather have a bee buzzing me than walk face first into a spider web (I'm tall, so this also happens A LOT).

June 15, 2006 1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahhaaa. you know that we'll being seeing that video on america's funniest. cause you just KNOW someone was taping that!

hope you win the $10,000!

June 15, 2006 11:03 PM  

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