Thursday, April 20, 2006

Stupid is as stupid does

I never really understood that expression until today.

Picture this: An elderly man knocks on your door and says he's going door-to-door offering free breast exams. Do you...

A) Slam the door in his face;
B) Slap him, and slam the door in his face;
C) Sic your dog on him;
D) Smile at the courageous effort it must have taken to even come up with this plan (while slamming the door in his face); or
E) Invite him inside to begin the exam.

Yeah. It turns out that "E" is an actual option. Not only did a 76-yr-old man manage to slither inside one woman's Florida home and fondle to his little heart's desire... he managed to do it again in another woman's home. (!!!) Wait...there's more. He also fandangled the free breast exam into a full gyne exam in at least one home. (I know!!!!!!)

While this sort of thing would normally ellicit total outrage from me, I'm more intrigued by just how the hell someone can fall for this scenario. I mean, seriously... you have to literally be ducking not to get hit in the face by the red flags flying all over the place.

No really, all political correctness aside... how stupid do you have to be? I cannot fathom. I just.... no, I can't.

Anyway, the man is now in police custody, and the two women are hopefully getting the help they need (both are in their 30's, for what it's worth, and at the time of posting, were still waiting for their exam results). I'll bet the precinct is just a swarming hive of cops trying to get a peek at the guy who actually pulled this off. TWICE!!!!!


Blogger Virenda said...

Those girls have to be mentally handicap. I mean come on! I'm trying hard to feel sorry for them but I just want to smack some sense into them. They are 30 yrs old for goodness sake, bunch of idiots.

LOL, that old man had himself a good time. Especially cause he got to third base or well second sliding home to third.

Are you creeped out now? cause I am.

April 21, 2006 12:07 PM  

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