Wednesday, May 03, 2006

American Idol - 5

Is it just me, or is there no oomph to this season?? By now, we should be feelin' it. And I'm not really feeling it.

My uninspired take:

ELLIOTT: Song #1: Good, but not memorable. His voice is awesome, but he still has this look of utter fear in his eyes when he sings. Song #2: Hmmm.... I'm thinking it's not a good idea to keep singing "I wanna go home", "let me go home". But overall, a very good performance. Um... he's running offstage now. Whoa, Elliott... where ya goin', buddy? Looks like he forgot to stand for his critique. The whole scene is making Paula cackle, and it's a pretty scary sound. (Oh lookie here... Simon just mentioned what I said about the "going home" lyrics).

PARIS: Song #1: I didn't take to Prince's original version of this song, nor Tom Jones' version... but this one is actually working for me. She's doing a good job. I'm feeling a bit nervous watching her pounce around in those heels, though. They're looking dangerously tricky. Song #2: Wow! She's looking comfortable and authentic for the first time! I don't know Mary J.'s original version of this, so I have a virgin perspective of this performance, and I'm loving it. ...And I don't even usually like R&B. I think Paris may have saved herself tonight.

CHRIS: Song #1: Okay, I was 13 and a HUGE Styx fan when "Renegade" came out. I know every one of their songs by heart. This was.... good... ish. It's lacking some form of pizazz. Can't put my finger on it. Everyone else seems to like it, maybe because they don't know the original. Song #2: I don't know this song. He's okay, but I still don't think he's got Bo's presence on stage. Yikes!! He's getting mighty screechy now. Oh man... take it down a notch, Chris. Your voice is failing. The judges have noticed too (how could they not?). They seem to be protecting him, though... giving him a chance to explain.

KATHARINE: Song #1: "Against All Odds" is right. Yeesh.... this is horrible. Not sure what's going on during the judges' critique period... there are strange, confusing discussions taking place. Song #2: Why is she on her knees? Why won't she get up?? It's distracting. Maybe she wasn't sure how to move to this music, so she thought she'd better play it safe and take her feet out of the game? She's sounding good, though. I'm not sure she'll make it past tonight. That first song was painful.

TAYLOR: Song #1: Perfect song choice!! Just perfect. Look at 'em all!... they're on their feet, dancing and clapping. He's sort of the male "Ellen" when it comes to dancing. He seems to inspire people to just let go and move, no matter how much they look like Seinfeld's Elaine at her office party. Oooh, even his shirt selection is perfect tonight. He's ending his song by collapsing on the floor with his trademark "Woooo!".... LOVING THIS! Song #2: Another great song choice. Joe Cocker covered this too, and Taylor is often compared to Joe. Yeah, he's sounding great. Once again, I am mesmerized and thoroughly entertained by this guy. But I still think he's holding back... something's lacking. Maybe he needs more time to wind himself up during a song. The usual 30 second clips aren't cutting it.

I actually don't care who goes tonight, as long as it's not Taylor because he's the only one whose performances I actually look forward to. I think it'll be one of the girls, though. Maybe Katharine.


Blogger Virenda said...

First off last night was boring and I so agree about it losing its ummph.

Elliot: Did a great job on his second song and should stick to those more soulful love songs. First one was okay.

Paris. No didn't like her songs at all. I know the original Mary J's song and it's just boring to me. Oh and PUHLEAZE what in the hell was she wearing?!

Chris. I liked the first song and loathed the second. He could have choose a really great song and instead choose crap. Plus he lost his voice, or at least it broke.

Katharine. Can't stand her. She made a MESS of the first one. A COMPLETE MESS! and I have no idea wtf she was doing on the floor the WHOLE time. What was that? I like the song and her singing it was okay but WTF was she doing?!!!

Taylor. OMG loved the first song. It was perfect for him and I really enjoyed it. Second one was good too, I think.

I think Paris or Katherine should go but it'll go down to Paris. I hope. I think.

May 03, 2006 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love taylor too, but I am secretly wishing that Chris wins.. I pick Taylor second:)

I say paris is going home tonight.. famous grandma or not, she needs to go bye-bye..

Oh and I am still LOL about your sis. I think y ou need to take that busy moom out for a girls night out!!


May 03, 2006 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh yeah...katherine....on the floor..huh? what's worse is that she was dancing on her knees! hello! just get up and dance you fool. I kept thinking she was going to put shoes under her knees.

she's a freak.

elliot....our little fievel. I dunno. last week, he was looking really adorable in that suit. this're right. he does look scared.

I really like taylor. I like chris too...but, it seems like the same thing over and over.

May 03, 2006 6:18 PM  

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