Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I've always wanted to be cool

... and this is the gadget that will do it for me.

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It's not even June yet, and already I'm sleeping in a sauna. I'm getting me a portable a/c unit, and I'm getting me some sleep this summer.

If this season is as ridiculously hot and humid as last year (and it's certainly headed that way, according to the wood warping in my home as I type), then I might just move into our air-conditioned bedroom permanently until Autumn.

I went hunting for a cooling unit yesterday, and I've picked one out. I don't care how much it costs, how much noise it makes, how much current it will suck, or how much Bob Villa channelling I will have to do in order to install the damn thing..... I will buy it. Oh yes I will. And I will be cool.


Blogger Virenda said...

LOL. I LOVE me some A/C!!! I lived in Vegas for 7 years and let me tell you, every place had a/c. You went from a/c house, to a/c car, to a/c store and back again. I loved it.

I live in So. Cal now but where I live it gets hot.

Congrats and may you freeze at night!

May 31, 2006 10:03 PM  
Blogger anne altman said...

Nobody really likes sweating their balls off.

Though I'm conflicted about a/c. I don't want to contribute to all the flurowhatevercarbons already in the air but on the other hand, fuck it, you know? I want a good night's sleep.I recycle, isn't that enough?

May 31, 2006 10:38 PM  

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