Friday, May 12, 2006

Sorry, wrong number

Right on schedule, American Idol is having their pre-finals scandal involving phone lines for voting.

Last year, Fox displayed the wrong phone numbers for 3 of the contestants, resulting in 3 other contestants getting those votes. Fox then decided to punish viewers by making us sit through a re-do show the following night, which included a whole other Anthony Federov performance. It was painful, but we survived (and Anthony didn't).

This year, the scandal involves our friend Chris, who got the boot on Wednesday. It seems that "thousands" of people have complained, saying that when they dialed Chris' number, they were greeted by Katharine's voice, thanking them for their vote.

Naturally, they would dial again, thinking they had misdialed the first time, only to place yet ANOTHER vote for Katharine.

I don't know what Fox plans to do about it, or if they even plan to address it all.

But seriously... I have a complaint of my own. Pop music is running out of good scandals, and I for one am bored and will not stand for it! Lindsay Lohan has started to eat again (dammit), MJ is tucked away beneath a burqa in Bahrain (psssst... Mikey,.... those are for girls!), Britney hasn't thrown K-Fed out yet...

(Sigh).... I guess we'll always have Leif Garrett to look to during slow times.


Blogger anne altman said...

OMG Leif really really disappointed me. I understand aging poorly. But failing?

May 15, 2006 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah. Leif...I was so shocked to see him. it didn't look anything like he used to...on my album. tee hee.

aha! I knew it had to be something weird with the voting. damn those idol people and their crack tv.

May 15, 2006 10:48 PM  

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