Friday, December 29, 2006

Tick, tick, tick...

Is this year not over yet? (sigh)... I have so many plans for 2007, and these last few days are just draaaaaaagggggggggggggging.

Why not get cracking on my new plans now, you ask? Well, it just seems wrong to start something on December 29th or 30th. I've been programmed, like most of us, to let things slide during this time of year, and to instead hold off and tackle them "in the new year".

I've got 3 places to call next week to make appointments. I guess I could have easily called them this week, but instead, I'm waiting to do it "in the new year".

I'd like to rearrange the office in my home... move some stuff around, throw some stuff out... but I feel compelled to wait until the year is over. It's almost as though if I do it now, I'll only need to do it all over again after January 1st. As if the things I might accomplish now won't count in the new year... they'll be erased from the board.

Maybe it's true. Maybe it's best to start things fresh after the new year. So bring it on, already! A week between Christmas and New Year's is just too long. Time lags, and nothing gets done. I think we should do the Christmas thing on December 30th instead, and then whip straight into the new year without missing a beat.

Until this idea catches on, I'll just keep watching the clock, and polishing my plans.

Happy New Year!


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