Sunday, January 07, 2007


Okay, so it's a little chilly out there today. But it was sunny. And yesterday's rain and balmy temperatures have washed away the little snow we had.

I have spent the last 7 days getting my ass kicked by a combination cold/flu. Today, though I'm still hacking and popping decongestants, I'm feeling 90% stronger. And god knows I've been going stir-crazy inside the house all week.

So it made perfect sense that the universe would conspire to make this... today... a pretty damn good day for Berry. I've paid my dues, afterall.

My hands nearly froze off, but holy mother of god it felt good to hit some golf balls!

Main Man and I threw a few loose clubs into the trunk of the car and went driving around town in search of an open driving range. Surely, we thought, there are some enterprising folks out there who see an awesome range day upon us. Surely, we were convinced, somebody would open their doors and make a few bucks off idiots like us.

We were very discouraged after approaching 4 places and finding them closed. But when we drove up to our last hope, there it was, hanging above the door.... "Open". Wooo-hooo!!!

We were the only ones out there, but it's right next to the road, and I knew that the minute people driving by noticed us swinging on the range, they'd start to gravitate. And they did.

(sigh) This was way better than New Year's Eve for me.

They're calling for more rain and snow this week. But that's okay. I've had my little fix. I should be able to hold off for a few more weeks, if need be.

For now, my clubs are staying out of storage, and it's looking more and more like my skis are gonna be going back in. Poor things. They never stood a chance.


Blogger Just Dave said...

I think it is easier to get the heroin needle out of your arm than to stop wanting to play golf, regardless of weather. I used to travel around the Texas Panhandle on business. On February day, I pulled into the oil boom town of Perryton that had just built its very own 9 hole golf course. The temperature was -4F with a wind chill of around -25 and spitting snow. There was a guy on the course wearing a snow suit that he could barely move in flailing away at a golf ball and managing to move it along at about 45 yards a stroke. For a brief, shining moment, I almost stopped the car to see if I could join him. Then sanity prevailed. Life is full of regrets.

January 14, 2007 12:10 PM  

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