Monday, January 08, 2007

He's just not that into you (or your girlie parts)

Note to the poor clueless tweens who repeatedly land on my blog while googling "Emanuel Sandhu girlfriend":

Dear young thing,

Well, I hate to do this, but someone needs to tell you: When you see a guy who's more beautiful than you, who dresses better than you, who dances better than you, who wears more make-up than you do, and uses more hair removal products than you do, rest assured that he does not have a girlfriend, no matter what he or his handlers might say or imply.

Also, the figure-skating thing kind of seals it.

It's okay. You're not alone. There are still hoards of your kind out there... just look up any Clay Aiken or Ricky Martin fan club. But I'm here to tell you the truth, because clearly, your gaydar has not yet fully developed.

So to recap: Emanuel Sandhu + girlfriend = Santa + Easter Bunny.

Okay? Cool.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had a very naive friend in college who had Brian Boitano posters plastered to her walls. . .

January 08, 2007 8:11 PM  

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