Saturday, October 07, 2006

Open letter to clothing designers...

Dear People-who-make-clothes-for-regular-people-to-wear:

While I can appreciate how much cheaper it must be to make tiny clothes... because it allows you to use less material and all that... I thought you should know that me and my friends are all grown up now, and we're no longer in the market for Barbie clothes.

What we're looking to spend our money on is clothing that we can wear. Like, in public and all. Clothes that we can move in. Clothes that we can take deep breaths in. Clothes that we can get in.

Here's a tip: Size 0 should be in the children's department, not in the full-grown women's department. That's just common sense.

Here's another: Size 12-14 is not "plus". Please relabel these as "normal". And why does anything need to be "plus", anyway? What's wrong with just letting the numbers rise without interruption, and especially without those little x's?

Also, now that Britney is sort of out of the picture, can we do away with the short tops? I need more material on my shirts. You know, to wipe my hands and all.

Oh, and if you're gonna use coton, would you kindly indicate the size that it's going to be, AFTER I WASH IT??

Thanks. That should do it for now.




Blogger Dale said...

You should write more letters Berry. You make good sense.

October 11, 2006 9:19 PM  

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